FAMA Engineering s.r.l. is born in January 2016, form the idea of two brothers, Fausto and Mario, both of them mehcnaical engineers, putting together, in perfect synergy, their experiences e working skills.

The company’s born has been possible also for the partnerships with LEANE International, CAPIT Industria and with Hexathron Racing Systems and with Electronical Engineers with several years of experience, skilled software makers, in order to cover all the technical skills needed to satisfy customers’ needs.

And in such a way, FAMA is born, a lean company ready to deal with all the engineering problems of companies operating in the mechanical, NVH, Automotive, Transportation, Aerospace and Electronic industries.


Fausto, with almost 20 years of Motorsport experience.

Since the end of University studies it has deal with vehicle dynamics, comfort  and NVH (Noise and Vibration Harshness) in 2 and 4 wheels vehicles. Experiences in numerous international categories for single-seaters, GT and Le Mans Series and Italian Speed ​​Motorcycle Championship.

He has registered a revolutionary patent for a contractual / collapsible mechanical anti roll bar, successfully used on competing vehicles and potentially usable on road vehicles.


Mario with more than 15 years of experience in measurement world and sensor and transducers.

National and international experiences for market-leading companies in measuring and data acquisition. Technically responsible for numerous and complex measurement campaigns around the world has acquired international expertise both from a technical and managerial point of view to meet customer needs in developing their products, solving complex situations and becoming more and more competitive in their respective markets.