FAMA Engineering is a company that arises as partner for engineering consultancy, to support companies in choice, validation and engineering of measurement chains, support measurement and analysis methodologies for data acquisition systems and test performed.

Every situation has peculiar needs, and they deserve specific answers for each of them. In some cases what is needed is just a sensor, in other cases must be developed a focused research activity. In other situations post data analysis is needed, or manufacture custom product for a specific request. In each of those situations FAMA Engineering is the perfect partner to support our customers in their growing and development needs in more demanding and more competitive markets.

As a matter of fact FAMA Engineering offers solutions at all the engineering topics, from sensor choice, to set -up and manufacturing of measurement chain, till post processing and data analysis of the test measurement made.

Direct Distribution, or through FAMA-s partners, of a wide variety of sensors allows to cover all the engineering applications in mechanical, electrical and electronic fields.

FAMA Engineering, thanking its wide and variegated skills, is one of the main actors in several engineering fields, working as partner with many customers in Industrial, Aerospace, Automotive, Manufacturing field and even in Motorsport world.

Inside FAMA Engineering work several engineer groups focused to develop all the specific requests coming from the market: mechanical division to design, develop and manufacture mechanical components, electronical division to develop electronical boards and signal conditioning, software division to develop algorithm, controllers and mechatronic systems, sensors division to choose and develop measurement sensors.